Parent Training
The OrPATS project encourages school-parent partnerships and collaboration.
Parent Training for EI/ECSE
At the early childhood level, parent training is primarily geared to teach parents ways to interact with their child during typical daily routines. The goal of the training is to increase child/parent communication, improve social interaction and to improve the child’s behavior at home. Evening parent training group sessions over a several week period of time, along with individual parent/child coaching sessions, are part of the training process.
OrPATS has provided training to establish at least one parent training team in each region for EI/ECSE programs. The OrPATS project continues to provide support to these parent training teams.
The program used at the EI/ECSE sites for parent training is:
Teaching Social Communication to Children with Autism
by Brooke Ingersoll and Anna Dvortcsak
Publisher: Guilford Press
Parent Training for Elementary/Secondary Level Students
The OrPATS project works with elementary and secondary school teams to encourage on-going communication between school and home. Additionally the OrPATS project recommends teachers provide parents information on topics of interest to them. The book Autism Spectrum Disorders Handouts (see reference below) is used as a reference guide for parent training at this level.
The resource guide being recommended for elementary level school programs is:
Autism Spectrum Disorder Handouts
by E. Amanda Boutot and Matt Tincani
Publisher: Pro-Ed Inc.