2011-2012 School Year Workshops
2011-2012 OrPATS Workshops in Oregon
September 26th, 2011 (Corvallis, OR)
One Day OrPATS Workshop: An Overview of Evidence-based Practices
Participants will receive information on using the following instructional strategies: discrete trial training, pivotal response training, teaching functional routines and positive behavior intervention and supports as used in the STAR Program.
PBIS Coaches Training
Further Information and Registration at http://orcoaches.nwpbisnetwork.org
October 6th-7th, 2011
Two Day OrPATS Workshop: Implementing Evidence-based Practices
Participants will receive training on how to use the following instructional strategies: discrete trial training, pivotal response training, teaching functional routines and positive behavior intervention and supports as used in the STAR Program.
Workshop Location: Greater Gresham Baptist Church
3848 NE Division Street, Gresham, OR 97030
October 26th-27th, 2011
Two Day OrPATS Workshop: Implementing Evidence-based Practices
Participants will receive training on how to use the following instructional strategies: discrete trial training, pivotal response training, teaching functional routines and positive behavior intervention and supports as used in the STAR Program.
Workshop Location: Multnomah ESD
November 1st-2nd, 2011
Two Day OrPATS Workshop: Implementing Evidence-based Practices for Middle/HS Students
Participants will receive training on how to use the following instructional strategies: teaching functional routines, discrete trial training and the use of positive behavior intervention and supports as used in the STAR and FACTER Program.
Workshop Location: Willamette ESD, 2611 Pringle road SE, Salem, Oregon
November 3rd, 2011
One Day OrPATS Autism Teams Set-up Workshop Focusing on the Middle/HS Students
Five selected Middle/HS teams from around the state will be provided materials and assisted to set-up their student programs. Attendance at the Nov 1,2 workshop is required.
Workshop Location: Willamette ESD, 2611 Pringle road SE, Salem, Oregon
November 21st-22nd, 2011
Two Day OrPATS Workshop: Implementing Evidence-based Practices
Participants will receive training on how to use the following instructional strategies: discrete trial training, pivotal response training, teaching functional routines and positive behavior intervention and supports as used in the STAR Program.
Workshop Location: Yaquina View Campus (used to be Yaquina View Elementary) Room L
351 SE Harney Street, Newport, OR 97365
November 28th-29th, 2011
Two Day OrPATS Workshop: Implementing Evidence-based Practices for Middle/HS Students
Participants will receive training on how to use the following instructional strategies: teaching functional routines, discrete trial training and the use of positive behavior intervention and supports as used in the STAR and FACTER Program.
Workshop Location: High Desert ESD, Bend, OR
December 5th-6th, 2011
Two Day OrPATS Workshop: Implementing Evidence-based Practices
Participants will receive training on how to use the following instructional strategies: discrete trial training, pivotal response training, teaching functional routines and positive behavior intervention and supports as used in the STAR Program.
Workshop Location: Eastern Oregon: La Grande
PBIS Annual Conference
Feb. 29th, 2012 Portland, Oregon
Two half day sessions offered by OrPATS and PBIS NW
1) Using PBIS strategies and Autism Methods Together
2) How to Implement Evidence-based Strategies for Students with Autism
Portland, Oregon at the Red Lion Hotel, Janzen Beach
Further Information and Registration at PBIS Northwest www.nwpbisnetwork.org
MARCH 2012
PBIS Annual Conference
March 1st and 2nd, 2012 Portland Oregon
Autism Conference Strand
Eight Conference Sessions on Topics Related to Autism
Further Information and Registration at PBIS Northwest www.nwpbisnetwork.org
Download: OR Conf Strand Flyer Autism.pdf
March 5th – 6th, 2012
Two Day OrPATS Workshop: Implementing Evidence-based Practices for Middle/HS Students
Participants will receive training on how to use the following instructional strategies: teaching functional routines, discrete trial training and the use of positive behavior intervention and supports as used in the STAR and FACTER Program.
Workshop Location: InterMountain ESD, 2001 SW Nye Ave. Pendleton, OR. 97801
March 15th – 16th, 2012
Two Day OrPATS Workshop: Implementing Evidence-based Practices
Participants will receive training on how to use the following instructional strategies: discrete trial training, pivotal response training, teaching functional routines and positive behavior intervention and supports as used in the STAR Program.
Workshop Location: Klamath Community College, 7390 S 6th St. Klamath Falls OR 97603
APRIL 2012
April 9th-10th, 2012
Two Day OrPATS Workshop: Implementing Evidence-based Practices for Middle/HS Students
Participants will receive training on how to use the following instructional strategies: discrete trial training and the use of positive behavior intervention and supports as used in the STAR and FACTER Program.
Workshop Location: 825 NE Ray Circle, Hillsboro, OR 97124
April 10th-11th, 2012
Two Day OrPATS Workshop: Implementing Evidence-based Practices
Participants will receive training on how to use the following instructional strategies: discrete trial training, pivotal response training, teaching functional routines and positive behavior intervention and supports as used in the STAR Program.
Workshop Location: Lane ESD 1200 Hwy 99N, Eugene, Oregon 97402
April 13th, 2012
Conference Session at the National Council for Exceptional Children in Denver, CO
This session will provide participants with an overview of the Oregon Regional Autism Training Sites project. The session will describe the process to develop training sites, the ongoing training provided at the existing sites and the resource a training site can provide each region. Positive student outcome data in a variety of curriculum areas will also be shown.
April 19th, 2012
One Day OrPATS Workshop: Implementing Evidence-based Practices for Middle/HS Students
Participants will receive training on how to assess and take baseline data to determine student functioning, learn to score functional routines and learn a variety of strategies to implement functional routines within a student’s day as used in the FACTER Program.
Workshop Location: Douglas ESD, 1871 NE Stephens, Roseburg Oregon 97470
April 26th-27th, 2012 – POSTPONED – Rescheduled for November 7th-8th.
Two Day OrPATS Workshop: Implementing Evidence-based Practices for Middle/HS Students
Participants will receive training on how to use the following instructional strategies: discrete trial training and the use of positive behavior intervention and supports as used in the STAR and FACTER Program.